-- You can't see anything..." said Ken to his wife, totally lost in the thick jungle or inside a cave or maybe in a discotheque in Ho Chi Ming City.
-- Your dad really was a real one. ....
-- Don't say it, respect his memory," she interrupted her husband's sentence.
-All day long we've been about to be torn to pieces by your dad's creations. And look how crazy he was...A rhinoceros with 4 horns...An elephant with 8 legs, a rattlesnake with wings.
-- Scientists have their own conception of the world...
-- I think he was casting for Avatar and didn't get approved.
The gorilla with 4 arms abruptly appeared on the left, with a bloodcurdling scream, pounded his chest; causing Ye ye and Ken to run at full speed, through the thicket to reach the cave door.
-- How are we going to get in?
-- Run...