Third part .F

Count Qiang gazed contentedly at the starry night without a single cloud.

From the rooftop above the main staircase, he was struck by the sight of the horse arriving at the pass.

-- No...No...-- with his hand the image and saw the horse stop by the access bridge...The count with his chest tight with anguish ran down the stairs in a frenzy.

His chief guard ran with his boss, without stopping the momentum in the slightest; Qinliang ordered him in a shout.

-- Total silence and everyone without fuss, whoever steps out of line, I'll kill him myself.

The chief guard turned back at the same speed and Qinliang reached the horse.He saw the rider and for an instant hid his face.One stone spear pierced the shield, and the other pierced his chest on the other side.Both prevented Gambatar's corpse from falling from his mount.

The count picked up and lowered the body from the horse.

And looking at the sky he said.