What are you saying? Have you gone crazy? I don't understand anything... -- said the policewoman talking on her Iphone, sitting behind the wheel of a Nissan Z400 package seized from a zone crime boss.

She listened for a moment and told him.

-- I've got to see him..." She sped off and drove off in the direction the voice had given her...

A while later the woman parked the showy car near the old Tai Po market and drove down side streets.... She saw the BMW X5.

-- Hey, ugly man," she said to the driver's window, "How come some oxen are in a shed?

The man didn't answer him.

-- The man didn't answer him. You spent the whole night with fat T'zhe again? Wake up," he said, shaking him, to see the man slumped over the steering wheel, showing the bullet wound in his temple.

-- Goddamn it! Don't do this to me! You can't leave me in the middle of all this," the woman moaned, feeling immense pain and anguish.

Immediately on her Iphone she raised the alarm.

An undercover officer had fallen in the line of duty.... His phone and his service weapon had been stolen to simulate a robbery.

The policewoman kept silent when the superintendents and the department delegate arrived. It was not her area and she had not said everything about the investigation. She would talk to the uniformed officers in the sector later.

First things first, he called Melissa.

-- Hi, baby. Put the bottle down. You're already out of the highway department. I'm going to ask you to transfer to my case.


This Akame seems to be watching us all the time. I'm sick of her. And he disguises an ego the size of a mountain with false humility," Mei To said to Thomas.

-- It's courtesy. He's deputizing Qiang Ling for us.

-- I don't know. I don't like him.

-- I don't like her either.

-- She's very curious.

-- Cats and women are as accurate as drops of water," concluded Thomas, as they gazed out over the vast, lonely meadow that stretched from the castle; and the preparations for what would undoubtedly be marching into combat.

Mei To remained silent and Thomas looked at her.

-- How many boys did you have in love with you?

-- I never thought about that. I wanted to finish my studies to pull my mother out of the abyss she had fallen into.

-- And you'll finish it. When we get back you'll finish your studies. It's a promise.

-- I don't know if we can go back. If I'm honest, I don't understand where we are. What I do understand is that I created a novel XUANHUAN.

-- We have to be here to do justice, and I also feel like I'm in a XuanHuan novel, hahaha.

Mei To shuddered.Nothing seemed funny to her.

-- Mei To. Let me hug you. I'm with you," Thomas said carefully.

-- You're madly in love with Kathy and you haven't realized it," said Mei To with a distant tone of sadness.

-- And here all the handsome warriors of this castle lost their minds because of you and you don't want to realize it.

-- I've already lost everything I had to offer.

-- It's not true," said Thomas, hugging her and giving her a kiss on the hair.

They both looked up at the same time to see Kathy standing at the foot of the stairs of the gazebo where they were; immediately and without a word Kathy turned back on herself, descending quickly...