How to earn Master's Cock

My eyes fluttered open, my cheek burns in happiness... to see a new day. I touched my silver collar in excitement of what the day holds for me and my master.

With so much eagerness to start the day, I got up from the bed and head for the bathroom..... According to the book, (How to be a better slave) it says that a slave should always be presentable for his/her master at all times. So before going down to wake my master up with the most delighted blowjob... I should be presentable.

I soaked myself in the bathtub filled with warm water, mixed with strawberry extract for about 3 mins. Paid a lot of attention to my body and skin. I want myself glowing for my master.

Once I was done bathing, i dried my body up, also creamed my body... Master didn't tell me my outfit for today, so I would just go with bra and pant.