Our Queen - Part【3】

I glance away from her intimidating gaze for I have my own thoughts on this matter. Rather I am torn apart by my endless variations in my emotions to the purpose behind his departure. He could have stayed for me and left perhaps after my heat had concluded but at the same time if he did he may have ended up being late for the hunt and his pack would have faced the consequences of my male's actions.

"I-I did not mean like that, Vůdce. I simply-"

"Je to jeho zodpovědnost vůči nám. Je to jeho povinnost se o nás postarat." The leader utters to her swiftly concluding their conversation from progressing further as she kneels by my side delivering the small wooden cup filled with a dense green liquid to me.

(It is his responsibility to us. It is his duty to provide for us)

As I take the cup with my quivering hand, the uncertainty of the ingredients used to make the drink inundates me. "W-What does it possess?"