Distasteful - Part【4】

He merely boosts it to his nose taking a long sniff of it showing me how precisely he used it to relieve himself uncaring to how I may feel or think. This male is truly dirty. "It belongs to me now, Theia." Opposing this I stand on my tiptoes hopping on the pads of my feet with my right limb elevated to capture it from him but he only lifts it higher and higher further away from my reach.

Knowing my subsequent efforts shall only go to waste I give up slackening in his hold to meet his eyes yet he seems rather engrossed for I discover where they linger. On my bouncing breasts, they rashly seduce him urging him to suck and sample.

"Feed me, my female." He groans as though the torture of his body is unbearable as though only I can ease his bodily discomfort.