Anything & Everything - Part【1】

"What is it?" I question the startled male while casually stirring the minced boar stew making sure I do not over boil it in order to retain its natural flavour. Phobos had always requested me to make it for him for it was Luna Aphrodite's best homemade dish and he missed it.

He stands by his bedroom door as though he is almost hesitant to enter the kitchen. "Will you be standing there all morning?" I ask once more urging him to come and take his seat for breakfast. Phobos takes gradual steps forward towards the table to drag his chair out and perch upon it ocean blues set firmly on my flesh.

When we returned a few days ago after Kal's party I had still kept him away from me. Yes, I conversed with him now and then compared to the complete silence during the last two months but I still remained detached. He needed to learn how the way he treated me made me feel how challenging I found it to forgive him and that a kiss was not going to sway me.