Barren - Part【3】

"Come on, Theia. Spill your truth, have pity on me I am mateless and-"

"Θέλεις να σε τιμωρήσουν; Είναι Λούνα και πρέπει να τη σεβαστείς ως τέτοια!" Aegeus leaps out from the shadows bellowing furiously grasping onto her bicep while yanking her away from me towards the dining table and she sulks following him silently not wanting for him to unleash his true wrath upon her.

(Do you wish to be punished? She is a Luna and you must respect her as such!)

"Where are mother and father?" I ask Cronus who is seated comfortably at the head of the table his arms folded across his chest as he intently studies a pile of records set next to his plate.

"They just finished a few minutes ago. They left to perform their morning greetings. You took your sweet time, Theia."

"And you will understand my reasons when you find your female," I smirk down at him whilst he casually flips to the next page of the document he is reading.