Vůdce's Prophecy - Part【3】

Phobos strides towards the study room with me following close behind. I have a few things I wish to speak with him about.

"I do not mind you being rough with me, Phobos."

"I know this, your body has accustomed to my ways. But now that I have a little more control over my beast I wish to love your body in a more delicate way. Is this not what you also want, you had once asked why I was gentle with Moira and not you?" How does this male remember every single thing I ever said to him or asked him even when I do not?

"That was the past and I had my insecurities, it is different now."

"But I wish to love you this way too." He states whilst plopping down upon his chair peering over his work table that possesses several records that Drakho had prepared for him last night, negotiations with the closest packs for the winter hunt, monthly trades and so on.