My Phobos - Part【3】

"He is very shy and it takes time for him to warm up to new wolves. Put him down, Phobos he can walk around and get used to their presence."

My mate slowly lowers him despite his whines of protest and gently nudges him by his back urging him to go on but Tadeas races back to stand behind his father and take shelter from his long legs that manage to fully cover him from us only to take wary peeks at the four of them. Deimos stands up from the couch taking his female with him to squat down by Phobos's legs which has my male visibly flinch and grip onto the material of his father's jeans seeking protection.

"Tadeas, look who I have in my arms." His voice is palliative almost like a beckoning whisper that has my pup once more peek out from behind Phobos to stare at the now awake Elena who is gaping at him too. They are curious about each other, this is their first meeting. "This is your cousin, her name is Elena."