My Phobos - Part【6】

"No, you cannot," Phobos replies his eyes serious as he stares down at the devilish male whilst crossing his arms across his chest wanting to intimidate the little one.

"Why not?"

"Because it was made for me."

"Well, you did not eat it so I will." The pup challenges fearlessly that has his uncle narrow his eyes at him in forewarning. He is getting aggravated with Kal's blatant defiance and that he dares to touch something that belongs to him.

"I am going to eat it."

"No, I am going to eat it." Kal counterattacks.

Before Kal could pounce on the cake my mate swoops in and picks it up taking it away from the pup's path. "No!" The tiny male whines jutting his lower lip out in a bitter pout hoping it would make his uncle yield to him.

"This cake is mine."

"What are you going to do with it if you do not intend on eating it anyway?"