Chapter 35 - The 'Blunder'


"are you sure I am looking fine?" I asked ryan one more time so that I can feel a little confident in these clothes that I have borrowed from layla. It's not like I am showing skin or something as this is normal top and pants but still I am a little nervous about all this.

"you are looking alright aadhya, no need to think much and I don't think there is any need to look extremely beautiful on your very first day. You are already looking more beautiful than my liking" he added the last part a little grumpily. I wanted to add some very sarcastic remarks on this because he himself is looking drop dead gorgeous in his body fitted navy blue color suit, white shirt and tie... and his hairs are tied in a bun. The only thing that I am not getting attracted to in his appearance is his cologne, it's not because that was not good but in comparison to his actual scent every scent is just not up to the mark.