Unexpected benefits

" The Great One must tread his way… He's right! On an already well-trodden road, you can not go further than the road itself, and although if you go your own way, the path will not be so smooth and fast, but you are not limited to the limits of the road..."-Warren drew analogies in his heart as he pondered Lucifer's words and had already forgotten about the demonic heart, now something else, something incredible, was being born in his mind.

"If I want to build my temple, why would I do it on the remains of the old one, why wouldn't I build my temple instead where there was nothing?! This is my will!"-thought Warren, and his eyes shone with two different colors-one bright gold, the other starry blue.

Lucifer, who had moved away from his controversy about where to build a temple or a road, or whatever he was going to build, noticed these changes and was stunned, as the creator of the demonic heart had the most extensive knowledge in this area. And just because he could see that what was happening had nothing to do with the demonic heart, it dawned on him - " Really... But how?! If he succeeds, I do not know where it will lead him..."

Warren, meanwhile, was busy learning some truths and laws that only he could understand. It is not known how much time passed when runes of two colors began to appear around him-gold and star-blue. These runes did not appear before in the whole world, but inexplicably their meaning became clear at a glance, they carried only one word, but the word, as well as the meaning behind it, was thunder-like- " WILL"

Even Lucifer, who was watching everything from the side, felt the terrifying pressure coming from this rune, then he was completely speechless and even the only two words he wanted to say could not come out of his mouth, which opened in amazement. And in his mind, these two words sounded like thunder, constantly repeated and supplemented by the word "impossible".

His surprise can be understood, because even among the Absolute Gods, only a few could create a unique rune, but this kid managed to do it, who at the moment only had the cultivation of the Foundation Stage. And even knowing that the boy had once been a True God, Lucifer still couldn't believe what was happening.

At this time, the runes flying around Warren began to merge into one. Interestingly, the color of the rune was not a mixture of two colors, but two different colors at the same time, a rather strange phenomenon.

The light produced by the rune had a certain elegance and, if one could say so about the rune, had an aura of nobility, something similar to what one might experience standing in front of an emperor. Lucifer immediately tried on his own skin what effect this rune has, which, although it was not aimed at the progenitor of the demon race, but suppressed his will and persistently demanded to kneel before the true power. And Lucifer even felt that it was quite natural-who wouldn't kneel in the presence of a True Emperor, but still Lucifer wouldn't be an Ancient God of Destruction if he succumbed so easily and he was able to quickly get out of this state.

To himself, he noted in horror- "If only he had developed his understanding of these concepts to the peak, even if I were not a remnant of the soul, I would not be able to resist him!" -this revelation so shocked the Ancient God that he realized that his successor would have no obstacles on the way to the top.

When the rune was finally formed, it entered the glabella of Warren and was imprinted on it, leaving the symbol "ത". After that, Warren plunged into forming his own concept, completely forgetting about understanding the demonic heart.






When Warren finished this action, suddenly the demonic heart rebelled, it was not going to give up its position in favor of the opponent, because this new "heart" was going to replace it. But when Warren's new heart sensed the demonic heart's reluctance and struggle, it completely ignored it and continued to replace its predecessor, pouring out an aura that the demonic heart couldn't handle. Warren paid attention to this, and although the "heart" that he had recently created looked like something more perfect compared to the demonic heart, he did not want to lose the demonic heart, rejecting all its advantages, especially in front of the creator of the demonic heart, and began to control the process, trying to merge them together.

Lucifer, who noticed what was happening with his all-seeing eyes, was horrified and shouted- "Oh, drop this demonic heart! Stop it!@

But Warren, as if he had not heard the words of the Ancient God, continued what he was doing. He could feel his entire body and soul, in addition, languishing in incomparable pain, and the space around him was distorted by the impact of colliding forces and concepts. But he made no difference, and clenched his teeth so tightly that they risked breaking, and continued his suicidal endeavor.

Step by step, Warren grasped the concepts of the demonic heart and continued the fusion of hearts.

After a long time, Warren managed to integrate the demonic heart into his new "heart". He did not merge them directly, but did something else, making the demonic heart something like a satellite. Just as the moon orbits the Earth and is its satellite, so the demonic heart obeyed the laws of its recent opponent, and although it had different concepts at its core, it depended on the new master. But being in such dependence, the demonic heart did not weaken, but on the contrary became stronger than ever, as if the new conditions fully revealed its potential.

Warren finally finished what he had started and stood up, laughing, having had enough of it, he turned to his new heart- "I'll call you 'Heart of Will'! " - and Warren's two eyes shone with two colors, as if rejoicing at this.

Unlike the happy Warren, Lucifer was completely exhausted mentally, which was reflected in his appearance, he looked like he was suffering from a terrible hangover, looking at him, Warren could not help but laugh.

"What are you laughing at, you brat?! Do you have any idea what you just did?! Do you have any idea how long I would have to wait for the next heir?! " - at these words, Lucifer began to look even more comical, resembling a grumpy old man who was not allowed to get drunk.

"Good, good, whatever you say! But why are you even worried? I just combined the concepts, which I learned from you, by the way."-Warren replied.

"What do you mean, I taught you?"- The Ancient God did not understand.

"Well? You combined the opposing concepts of light and darkness in your domain, and here the concepts do not even conflict. " - Warren was even surprised at Lucifer's misunderstanding. He didn't know what to say and just stood there with his mouth open.

After some time, the Ancient God's mind processed the information and he finally answered-"What concepts?! Are you crazy?! There are just lower concepts of the elements, then the concepts of Heaven and Earth mixed with the concepts of the soul! Do you have any idea what would have happened to you if you hadn't?"

"Would I have died? Nothing, it's not my first time! "- the guy replied in a joking tone. Lucifer was once again speechless.