
In the imperial palace, the four masters of the earth destroyed the great wall that was supposed to protect Seyron from the rest of the world and that had only served to condemn him.

They laid him gently on his large four-poster bed and helped the Princess of Jervoz to search feverishly for the cure.

Soon she tried to calm herself, to collect herself and think like Myzon.

"These are beings whose perversity is unparalleled. In this place constantly enveloped by the clouds of Cirbus, there must be one place in particular that has never been touched by his dust.

- The ground or the vault, she suggested while contemplating them in turn.

- No, she resumed logically, the ceiling is too "complicated". And then these beings like the cold game.

The young magician looked carefully around her, and observed the statues of the kings which lined up in the corridor.

- Who did Seyron admire the most?

- Her father, of course. He gazed at him every day.