A fateful face-off

Besides, she could never have imagined such a beautiful, fascinating being existing in this life.

He was standing in the middle of a small group of men and women, smiling at them, but in an artificial way, while they were doing their utmost to attract his attention.

"A great lord among his trifling subjects whom he deigned for a moment to be honored by his presence and his words. "Couldn't help but think Avine with biting irony. He looked at them all and at the rest of the guests present with irony tinged with deep contempt. But in spite of this most disturbing attitude, Avine could easily guess the immense intelligence and the total absence of deceit in his way of being. This man was alright ruthless, uncontrollable and totally savage, but he surely owed his position and his possessions to his own abilities alone. And he was obviously rich, rich to the tune of billions.