Infinitely happy with this compliment, Avine smiled, all moved, and huddled even more against her lover. Of all the tender words she had ever heard, these were her favorites, for, for Myzon, who was too smug to lie, made her understand that although she was now part of his endless list of conquests, she was still apart. And she would make sure she stayed that way.
And this night, Myzon never needed to be restored to take again the thread of this carnal exchange in which they sank as for never to leave it.
- I'll never understand women," Beyrok Davis exclaimed, looking at his assistant with a pensive look.
- Why do you say that? inquired the latter amused and falsely glib.
- Because they are as changeable in mood as the autumn days. It's really terrible for us.
Avine burst out laughing.
- And having spent many years with a woman as indomitable as your wife, I can easily guess the difficulty of your life.