
- Avine, please react!

Sitting in the large living room of her best friend's new home, Avine listened to Melly apostrophize her with a slightly annoying but justified concern.

Avine frowned weakly and gave her friend a look that wasn't very friendly, considering her with a jealousy that she never thought possible one day to feel. Moreover, her whole being radiant with happiness and health, accentuated by a red and blue sunbathing dress, made the guest even more pessimistic and miserable, with her papier-mâché complexion, her almost sickly thinness, underlined all the more by her black jeans dress with a white fleur-de-lys pattern. Seeing Avine atrophy even more, the anxiety of the beautiful Mellira increased but also her exasperation. So she would resume her diatribe by beginning to sketch out eloquent gestures but had to interrupt herself to attend to the tea that a discreet servant had just put on the table.

- Thank you Marina.