Skills and First Hunt!

I stared at the guidance field, my jaw agape.

"VOW bro, what the flesh does this mean?" I asked.

[Please refrain from calling me, Bro! Also, the information shown is just introductory... marketing detail. Please swipe downwards to get the actual skill description].

"I've got limited time before my demise, damn it! ARGGHH! You're wasting my time with useless information... Show me the good stuff!" I cried while swiping down.


[ Skills ]

[ Mana Sense | Lv. 10 (Permission to evolve) ]

The ability to sense the presence of mana within a certain range.


[ Supreme Skill ]

[ Flesh It Like You Mean It | Lv. 1 ]

-A complementary skill for the Lifeless Evolution Package-

The user is able to acquire a flesh body that is masked from most types of detection. While it does compromise the user's racial abilities, it offers much more in exchange. The greater the level, the more realistic the body.

Mana Requirements: None.

Duration: 24 hours.

Cooldown: 3 hours.


[ Supreme Skill ]

[ Lifeless Evolution ]

A different approach to evolution that unlocks the Lifeless Evolution Series. With every evolution, you get powerful, yet unorthodox evolutions that differ from the Undeath Evolution Series. 

-More information accessible only after you change from your current race-


"So [Mana Sense] is the skill that I have cultivated for years! I see! What does permission to evolve mean?" I said.

[It means that your skill has reached the first evolution cap and can evolve into the next level. Just like you, skills can evolve as well].


[Mana Sense].

It was the key to my escape from Somanda. I knew it was useful. Bonet that sockethole wanted me to be an all bones and no magic idiot like him. Look at me now, Bonet!!

I looked up the next skill and I was both shocked and repulsed.

"VOW bro, you realize that we have a saying back in Deadmanland right?"

[Please refrain from- You know what? Forget it. Yes, what is this saying?]

"FLESH YOU! We shudder at the thought of possessing flesh, so why would I want to wear it on my bones?!"

[Young undead, if you haven't realized it yet, you're in a different world. This place is full of living beings. Strong, living beings. Just as much as you are repulsed by them, they will be repulsed by you. This skill will allow you to blend in. You're not aware of the disparity between levels and Tiers yet, but it may surprise you. Particularly with the humans. I advise that you use this skill when you encounter them].

I grunted. Argh! Had I seen what flesh looked like?


But I had an inborn hatred and image of what it does look like. How could it possibly match up to the roughness of my beautiful off-white bones?

"Let's check the last skill," I said, looking at Lifeless Evolution.

After a few seconds of pondering, I finally spoke:

"So, this means I can never become a Death Knight or a Lich?"


"Then what will I evolve into?"

[You'll be offered three different choices at each evolution cap. You can choose one].

"That doesn't answer my question."

[The choices will be provided when you are ready to evolve].

"This sounds shady. What does the word unortho- whatever mean?"

[Ahem... it means the choices are very special compared to their Undeath counterparts].


Somehow I didn't believe VOW bro. And I learned later on... that I was right.

"Fine. Then let's start with [Mana Sense]. I want to evolve it to the next level!" I got excited.

My [Mana Sense] was already pretty strong. I couldn't wait to see what it could do after it evolved. My blank skull face showed nothing of the excitement I had, except for the flickering socket flames.

[Unable to evolve. Please evolve further than the Lesser Moronic Undead race].


I felt a bubbling rage and yelled into the air.


Just how pathetic was this Moronic Undead race?!

"What do you mean I can't evolve?!"

[The Lesser Moronic Undead race cannot comprehend or handle higher forms of 'Mana Sense'].

Arrgh! I swore I would kill Somanda.

"Fine. Then I just have to use Lifeless Evolution, right? Use it!"

[Unable to evolve. Please evolve further than the lesser Moronic Undead race].

"WHY?! I thought this was supposed to bring me evolutions stronger than Undeath!"

[Not when you are a Moronic Undead].


I rushed up to a nearby rock and...sat down, hands supporting my jaw.

This was depressing. I had to evolve further than the Moronic Undead to get a chance to use Lifeless Evolution. I didn't feel like a moron. I thought I was making progress.

"VOW bro. How do I evolve anyway?" I asked.

[It's simple. All you have to do is assimilate the mana of other creatures into you. By killing them].

"Kill?" I said, shooting to my feet.

[Yes. The atmospheric mana is pure and good for increasing the core size. However, mana that has been nurtured inside another body can strengthen you as a whole. You'll be assimilating bits and pieces of your victims, therefore increasing your overall stats. You'll earn what we call Cumulative Mana Experience. Exp for short].

"Ohohoho. Now I'm getting interested. Let's do this. Killing things, huh? I've got a lot of pent-up stress anyway!"

I began running around the place.

[Please be warned. The disparity between levels and Tiers is immense. Approach any leveled creatures with caution!]

"Yeah, whatever! You're the one who gave me the deadline. I need to evolve as soon as possible. I will kill anything I see!" I yelled racing among the trees and grass.


It was still a mystery to me how I knew what these things were.

I was starting to wonder what my end goal would be if I did recover what I was supposed to recover - the source of these memories, and my supposed past life. What came next? Was it a goal I'd accomplish soon?

I wasn't sure.

Finding Somanda and turning him into a Moronic Undead somehow was definitely at the top of the list though.

I had also been thinking about why Somanda didn't follow after me. Maybe, I was getting ahead of myself. I wasn't precious enough to have a Lich run after me into another world. He probably thought I was dead... I mean, doomed. That's right! Doomed!

"He will be in for a surprise when I return home with power that exceeds his!"


I couldn't wait!

I ran around the green place like a mad skeleton, hunting for anything that breathed. On the ground at least.

It was only after ten minutes that I saw my first prey.

Oozing with repulsive life and feeding on the green grass was a strange-looking creature about ten meters away from me.

It had brown hairs on its body and was only as tall as my waist. It had four legs and what looked like teeth springing from the edges of its mouth. A small tail was dancing left and right from its backside as it fed.

'You'll be my first victim,' I thought. The flickering flames in my sockets blazing wildly.

I ran up to the creature while making unseemly clacking noises.

"You're mine!" I shouted.

The creature suddenly turned towards me and the look in its eyes... changed.

I saw mana converging around it wildly. It lowered its center of gravity and rushed towards me as well!

Back in Deadmanland, we had a game we played to pass the time: Arm Yourself. I deigned to use some of its mechanics right here, right now.

I pulled my left arm from its socket on my shoulder and held it up with my right as a weapon.

"Watch yourself, bro! I'm armed!" I cried menacingly.

And then we clashed, the creature and I.

All I remember from that fierce encounter was feeling a dense wave of power and the detonation of mana.

A powerful force caused the trees around us to tremble and I recall flying far and fast, knocking against many trees and finally landing on the ground with loud clatter.

My landing was not so pretty.

My bones were fractured. My left arm was nowhere to be found and several parts of me had turned to a different shade.

I looked around and struggled to stand.

That thing was strong!

"What the hell was that, VOW bro?!"

In the next instance, I heard a galloping noise that made my bones rattle.

That thing was coming!

[I warned you]

"Yeah I get that, but what is that thing?!" I screamed as I hurriedly stood.

[Please use your guidance field to check your opponent's information].

The creature finally reached within my proximity and glared at me. It hissed hot air from its mouth, mana still radiating from its body.

I focused my sockets on it and its information was revealed.


[ Name : None ]

[Tier : 1 ]

[ Level : 1 ]

[ Race : Dead-end-apocalypse Boar ]

[ Inv. Status : Wants to kill you ]



Sirrrrrrrr! Did you say Level 1?!