Hard Work!

"What?" Skullius said with a duck face over his generic one.

Dezrael had said something that he understood this time. 

This at least told Skullius that he was now using a language that was classified within the scope of [Greater Communication]'s range.

Free him?!

Flesh no!

"Free me."

Dezrael spoke with a soft, high voice that caused a shiver to race through Skullius' body. 

'How am I even supposed to do that?' Skullius thought as he was too scared to voice his opinion. What if he made this guy mad and got fleshed up?

"I sense it from you. You have it. You have grasped the essence of manipulating this darkness. It's what makes up this yoke that binds me. Come here and cleave it away," Dezrael said, his eyes flashing with mana intimidatingly.

A burst of hot air and mana brushed against Skullius, making him grimace.

Just that little display of power caused him to lose some Health Points!