Bullying Is Wrong! (3)

"Uh?" Skullius uttered in confusion before he looked at his own hands. "Oh..."

Foggy grey bones appeared in his vision, a sensation he hadn't felt in hours beginning to overtake him. 

The powerful yet tranquil feeling of Null Life was slowing leak into his body!

Only his right arm was fully bonified as his left was still mostly fleshful.

His face however, had two hollow sockets with a dark blue flame that burned incessantly!

The rest of his body was still experiencing deconstruction, blobs of cosmetic flesh disappearing little by little!

[The skill 'Flesh It Like You Mean It' is being forcibly subdued]

[The deactivation of the skill is imminent]

"You're an undead?!" Remos barked with a fierce expression on his wrinkly face. "How is this possible?!"

The man and woman who had been conversing before stood up as they gazed at this turn of events that they hadn't seen coming.