Clash Of Flash (1)

'I feel like I'm going to have to say that a lot in the future,' Skullius thought. 

He had never felt so good inside in his entire death and Null Life

The look on Benzard's face was priceless. He looked to be confused and wary, Skullius' declaractipn having made him even more unsettled.

Not an undead?

What did that even mean coming from a skeleton donning armour?!

  Skullius took into the account the fact that this guy didn't lessen his vigilance one bit. He was a warrior for sure. He didn't drop his guard.

'Heh... I'm not the same as I was some minutes ago bro.'

The armour that Skullius donned was the result of him using 2000 Null Life Essence Points to upgrade the ArchLight Generation Keeper.

The more points he inputted, the better the random upgrade, which was why he had opted to use double the amount needed for a [Permanent Random Upgrade].