Smooth Passage

In the vast meadowland, tall humanoid creatures turned their heads towards Skullius and the Grinning Jester Fox while prowling within the long grasses.

Dozens of these creatures could be seen within the immediate surrounding portion of the place, their bodies being made up of roots, vines and grasses of different colours that were joined so firmly that if one saw them without giving much attention they would think that these creatures were humans.

The limbs and other body parts were very human-like which further sold the idea; legs, arms, eyes, nose, mouth, but the two who were looking on were not fooled.

"What are these things?" Skullius asked the fox.

"Vine Prowlers. This is their spawning habitat. It's here that they are formed, woven from the finest greens that have been nurtured by the high concentration of mana. The ones you can use are still young," the fox explained.