Turning The Tide!


They had all been shrunken down!

Tulnas hadn't been wasting time while staring down the carp.

He had been analysing everything about and it had been doing the same as it felt that this man was different from the others.

Tulnas had been the first to notice that these creatures gained an extra boost to their abilities from the purple eye they sprouted on their foreheads.

In truth, extra boost, as the term, was a heavy understatement. 

It was a massive boost and in the case of the carp he faced, it seemed to have gained a unique ability on top of this, no doubt the mutation caused by the Primus it continuously absorbed to hide the location of their enemies.

The unique ability to shrink all living things within a certain range down to minute sizes!

Tulnas didn't know the duration for this ability or its full scope, but he did know it was extremely potent as it even affected the amount of efficacy of everyone's mana!