Epiphany (3)

[Epiphany | Lv.1]

The very core of a Vehement Bone Nullmancer. The user gains boosts to his current capabilities and channels to learn concepts with ease.

•+90% to all skill proficiency and power 

•Constantly analyses concepts around the user with a chance of generating lesser fundamental knowledge on said concepts.

Allows the user to learn the fundamentals of any mana-related concept using specified quantities of Null Life Essence.

Mana Requirements: None

Duration: None

Cooldown: ---


While being exposed to the chaotic conditions, Skullius applied the active effects of [Epiphany] which immediately called for the response of the guidance field which gave a proper evaluation of how much Null Life Essence Skullius would need.

[High level concept detected. 'Distorted Gravity'. To learn the lesser fundamentals, an investment of 15,100 Null Life Essence is required]