BekStory (1)

A slender finger poked at the thick skin of a man who had just slumped into his seat, evidently very tired.

A man with a sweaty but bright visage smeared with two chestnut brown eyes and full cheeks that showed good health turned his head, his dark locks of hair that covered his forehead in messy bangs turning along with his noggin to look at the figure of a thin woman who kept poking his arms.

"Quit it, you overgrown weasel," the man said with a low voice that had a hint of annoyance.

To this, the woman stopped but leapt up only to land on her butt right onto the man's chest!

The man barely reacted as he was much stronger than the average human, but he shook his head helplessly.

The woman giggled, her subtly pretty face that revealed its uniqueness when she smiled, dimples emerging from her cheeks brightening up as she turned to poking his face now.