Integral Choices

"Sila?" Skullius voiced in surprise as he looked down to where the two slopes that reached deep into the ground met.

The crust of this depth was torn to a grander degree as no greens could be seen unlike with the area above. Strange billows of colour would sometimes glow from the walls of the depth of the gorge as if to show how dire the situation was in terms of the integrity, especially at the base of the island where parts kept falling off.

This gorge stretched out to cover the island like a gash, but it could still mostly be considered a giant pit where a hazy blue figure with the outline of a muscular man could be seen kneeling down while golden chains that pulsed powerfully, as if reemphasising how screwed he was, sank into his torso!

The expression of the aged soul couldn't be discerned and neither could his more definite features but Skullius knew it was him. 

It was definitely Sila.