Evaluation Officers

The man walking with Silrat had quickly drawn Skullius' attention.

Being resisted like that wasn't something that had happened to the Hybrid Luman a lot, if ever.

In most cases, he was able to probe the mana core of his opponent without any obstruction, which had made him relax, not accounting for situations where he couldn't.

This was a dangerous level of confidence in his skills.

When it came to mana cores, everyone with a combat capacity above the mundane level could identify what kind of core another person had simply by feeling the innate domination or suppression that their core had in relation to another in close proximity.

Every trained individual was naturally aware of their core and the cores in their surroundings but the intricate details were hidden from them.

For Skullius who had [Elevated Mana Manipulation], his perception of the core was a lot more established but now, even with that, he was still pushed back.