
(A/N: Bonus Chapter).

Yuyui had been feeling quite useless throughout the entire course of this trip so far. She had yet to fully recover from what she had had to experience through the risen memories of hers and now...

This memory made her feel even worse in this moment as the words of her father were similar to what Skullius had told her, the only difference being that one expressed concern and the other just expressed urgency.

She was constantly reminded that she lacked something.

The inability to commit to violence, in its different forms, for what she wanted.

Even freeing herself had taken the influence of another as if that individual, Skullius, hadn't come, she would still be dying of starvation every half a year for eternity perhaps.

What she lacked was something that even the owners of the power she now wielded demanded.

How angry they must be that she had received their power.

This was Yuyui's thoughts.