Participation (2)

Bryne Family Residence, Genhuis City.

Silrat was fuming.

On this night that most would call excitingly chaotic, full of carnal anticipation and perhaps a dash of confusion as the event everyone was waiting for hadn't begun as they had pictured, the former Association Branch Head was burdened by fury and worry.

Again with this bastard!

Why did he like to not be present when important things were set to occur?

Did he enjoy seeing this man almost get a stroke from anxiety?

At this point, Silrat was more concerned with his investment going up in flames.

Even now, if Skullius was to perish somehow, the position he had earned himself, which was formally termed Appraiser, the lowest rank among those in the executive circle of the Guilds Association, would not be stripped from him.

The Association had already acknowledged him as being capable of finding and grooming talent. If that wasn't the case, it would be dug up as time went on.