First Match!

(A/N: Bonus Chapter).

Next day.

A burst of cheer exploded in the stadium as the masses were once again gathered, eagerly awaiting the commencement of the real matches.

Some of the empty seats, thousands in number, had had been filled with new witnesses invited by friends, family and even foes.

The emotion was palpable.

The trays of food had appeared for all who were present, the hungry already feasting while thanking the Deities for being alive in this age.

"We get to watch seven matches, right?"

"Yef I finkh fo. Imfo efuffuf. I fan harfly fait," one chump with his cheeks overflowing with bread and meat eagerly answered the witness at his side who had asked the question.

"Ugh, you're allowed to chew and swallow before answering, you know?"