The Battlefield Is The Lake

As a slice of Skullius swayed, leaning away from the rest of his body while he once again pulled himself together – figuratively – and set his sights away from the sword a golden-green light swiftly burst from his body and ran through where he had been severed, stitching him up to pull his two pieces together in an instant!

It was a very fast recovery.

Skullius' now whole body zipped backwards, creating distance between himself and the enemy.

He took a deep breath.

What [Primal Caution] had warned him about just now...

'That sword is dangerous,' he thought.

Just by taking a close look at it, he had received a fatal, violent injury that he was sure could have peeled open even a Second Phase Master!

That's right.

Looking at the sword welcomed death.

He was sure of it.

The name of the sword ringing in his mind suddenly made sense.

Bashful Abomination.