Fleeting Pioneer

The Hexer's Inheritance floated a great distance in each direction slowly, mirroring Sila's apprehension. Bit by bit, Skullius had delivered the constant bombshells of hazards that potentially awaited him, which made the Tower General move around at a snail's pace.

Sudden bursts of lightning?

Immortal beasts?

Sila grew silent, preferring to not hear anymore.

This worked well either way, since if he headed in the direction of the mountain, but without any clear destination in mind, he would still be forced to hover very slowly.

'Absurd!' Sila cried to himself.

If he could exhibit some of his strength in this orb body, he would have felt safer, but he was merely imposing his consciousness onto a floating, round object which, like [Lucent Apparition], was dependent on Skullius.

This was a foul way to spend eternal free time.