'Fruitful' Agreement

"It's concerning that you may have actually learned nothing from everything we've been through. I think I would prefer our chances with other contenders, even if the few that remain are likely to be monsters in their own right," Skullius said while shaking his head.

He didn't even want a part of his consciousness lying to him that since Rias was a Master, he could be killed as easily as he had done some of the other contenders of the same stage.

Finding out the hard way that a good technique could outweigh the benefits that even Incandescent Stage experts had, wasn't on his agenda.

"That supports my stance. There's probably not that many contenders left, and looking for them isn't our greatest option. The Inhibiting Angel on the other hand... We know where to find him, and we could benefit from him, and his 100,000 Units."