What's It For?

What had hatched from the egg, was a curious little humanoid creature, and at the moment, it sat in what remained of the bottom half of its destroyed egg.

A pair of white hot horns sat on its large forehead, contrasting its reddish black skin. Matching its lack of a hairline, were two large yellow eyes that seemed to have flaming snake-like pupils, and to match them in turn, was a very wide mouth just above its chin.

Its dwarfish torso looked mostly human, though its scales could already be seen, stained with colourless goo from the innards of the egg.

The creature took a steady look at Yuyui and wore a big smile... or it could have just been a prep gesture before it ate her, it was impossible to know for sure.

"Aaaaaaaaaw!" Yuyui scooped up the little thing and started playing with it.

A hiccup infested coo crawled from its mouth as Yuyui tossed it up and caught it.

Timmit remained frozen.

What did he just witness?