The Severed Union

Replicus was greatly annoyed.

If not because of the thing standing before him, then because of this name that had been attached to him.

Pherdanta was also visibly irritated behind the helmet she now wore, but for her, it was mostly because of this unwanted reception.

The barrier into the Severed Union didn't require any form of security. All one needed to do, was shut off any hostile or aggressive abilities, and they would be allowed to pass through easily.

"Will you let us pass now?" Replicus asked the black humanoid shape before him. He did not even bother to hide his hostility.

The thing tilted its head.

"Why, of course. Verification has been requested since the world has suddenly become a more dangerous place in the last few hours. Who knows who, or what may try to invade our safe space," it said.

"Hmmm," Replicus hummed.