Three Measly Wishes! (3)

Luserus said after Skullius explained exactly what he wanted with annoying specification.

The Deity was stunned by how the Hybrid Luman before him seemed to be seeing a steady future where all his machinations created a functional system that solved all his problems.

He was arrogant and haughty, but he was intelligent, it seemed.

Luserus would have preferred it if Skullius was dumb and exploitable as a result of his mountain high hubris.

"Well, in truth, in time, I would be able to do this on my own, but time is something I don't have, unfortunately. I will settle for creating the more necessary miracles I need on my own when I gain enough strength for it," Skullius said with a toothy smile.

Luserus said nothing. Serenity also remained silent.

This was unsettling.

She didn't think what Skullius would ask of Luserus was something so...