A Seed

Exercising the authority he had on the Sif, Skullius decided it was time to move things along once the parade exited the city, with Darwel still showing an intense desire to spend her time with people beneath her.

Skullius still couldn't tell if she was possessed by duty, and a sense of longing for the attention or if she genuinely cared for her people. He couldn't bring himself to decide on either completely because somehow, he felt a bit disconnected from everyone.

It was an odd, gradual feeling.


Darwel relented without much opposition.

Much like Sevill, when she had noticed Benyn and Cosycn seasoning their words with reverence when addressing Skullius (after coming out from the Oath of Mourning), she had been delighted.

She had also noticed the huge change in Skullius and her deep interest in him only grew.