What Should Not Be Cut

At the same time…

Skullius was free from the halting command, at last. Its stacked effect had worked against the counteracting effect of his [Greatest Antiphon of Malignance] skill, making it take longer to restore his mobility.

The Hybrid Luman hadn't suffered too much as a result, only losing a significant amount of mana from the barrage of unreal attacks that came after. He knew this expense was costing the Attegoth its ability to protect itself.

However, now was not the time to be worrying about that. The best thing he could do, was to end the battle in here quickly.

The Ode doubted he could.

It was visible on his face.

He had an evil smile that carried forth the rage he still felt from having being beaten down so terribly before. 

Skullius knew that the brat knew, if it weren't for that granny interrupting him earlier, he would have been done for, and that card was still in play for the Ode.