The Next Calamity?

Embrell was still recovering from what had just happened. Her response to the tense situation from a minute ago had not gone the way she thought it would. She had begun to feel uneasy when Skullius' monument was destroyed and when the Ode hurried to erect his Territory, she followed suit in order to keep Skullius alive.

That was the least she could do for someone who was fighting on the Sif's behalf, after all.

Her surprise at the fact that he didn't help at all, though, blew her mind.

Never had she ever imagined that there was someone who could destroy a Territory by oversaturating it with an absurd volume of, well, anything. The fact that Skullius did this to not only her, but the Ode too was unbelievable.

What followed next was even more mind-boggling. The darkness, that light... 

Strangely, Embrell was not afflicted by the long-term effects, like the Ode and the old hag.