Arrogant Voyage Ahead

"You can stay here if you want, you know. I can practically feel your fear oozing through the air," Skullius said to Maxim who quivered and punched him in the shoulder.

"It's impolite to say a woman is scared. Especially me. I feel like you don't even know me anymore," Maxim retorted with a frown and massaged her hand. The Hybrid Luman's shoulder had been tougher than she expected. "But well… are you sure it's safe to waltz into Maqi with their prince as a hostage? What if Diviners from Maqi have already foreseen this and are waiting for us?" 

Skullius chuckled… as did Vali who stood next to him. She gave Maxim a sly smile.

"If that happens, then I guess we are going to have to die along with him," she said to the pink-haired lady whose frown deepened.

"I have a family to get back to in Pelian. I don't think I'm ripe for death yet. Do you? Don't you have like… an empire you created by signing off your cousins during the Premium Age Royale?" she said.