Vision of Misery! (1)

In the moments that followed, Replicus found his cognitive abilities returning to him, his mind turning lively again after what felt like years of being preserved in ice. 

Indeed, he was back in Aigas.

Indeed, below his feet, the ebony waters were boiling, releasing toxic fumes in the process.

Indeed, he had heard a vicious roar just now, one that he could have sworn no regular tiered beast on Aigas could have made. It had shaken his soul only slightly the first time he heard it, and chose to ignore, but right now, the saying that went 'sound is nothing but a pair of shy hands' seemed to get validated.

Worse than the sound and the vexing view of the boiling sea, was how space seemed to crane and melt. Replicus wasn't sure if it was an illusion or not, but he was inclined to believe it was. After all, there was no way Aigas was tilting to the right, with the clouds above melting like wax.