Something's Wrong (1)

Several minutes ago.

"As I said before, you already have the tools to do this on your own. [Soul Sense], in particular is going to be of great use, and with this new body of yours, I don't think you will have much of a reason to expect failure," Serenity said, temporary killing Replicus' shock at the inner world of the Empyrean Bosom.

It was truly magnificent!

Serenity, along with Replicus and his Apostles had used a key to enter the Warmoth's demesne, but looking around and noting every single detail wasn't at the top of the priority list, as shocking and interesting as this place was.

There was still the matter to do with Actuass' soul.

Serenity had told Replicus that there was a better way to put the necromancer to good use, and that was by safely extracting his soul and forging it into a weapon. 

After reining in the Warmoth's Progeny's attention, Serenity began explaining some necessary details involved in the process she had prescribed.