The Power Sytem: Deeper Nuance

(P/N: If you aren't up for learning beforehand the deeper concepts concerning the power system, you might want to skip this chapter and the next).


There are several factors that give nuance to the power system you will find explained in the novel. Indeed, it will get complex, but I think I did a fair enough job in ensuring that it is palatable even for the average, casual reader.

The first thing to note when appreciating the power system, is the simple fact that Cores, Stages and Classes – the basic categories of power for humans in this novel – can all lead to truly monstrous peaks individually, and thus, some characters choose to focus more on one of them instead of spreading their focus across all.

As one would expect, this indeed means that someone with a stronger Class – for instance, an Advanced Class – but a weaker core when compared to that of their opponent, who could have say, a Normal Class and even a higher Stage, can win against them.

There will be characters with powerful Mana Cores and no skills at all who will dominate battles.

There will be characters who only rely on increasing their Stages and nothing else, and yet they will be hailed as calamities.

This shouldn't come as a surprise to you when the main character overwhelms opponents stronger than him in one regard, as in the earlier portions of the story, that is how he will weasel his way out of harm's way. (I've already come across several comments about readers getting confused about this, thus this chapter.)

Thus, it is necessary to know the ranks of Skills, the grades of Cores and the arrangement of Stages and what they do before complaining. All of these things are outlined and emphasised continuously in the story.

Additionally, in the name of nuance, brief explanations about exactly what the Stages entail will be outlined below (with the exception of plot-intimate details):


After an individual goes to a Temple, convenes with a Priest, is deigned to be combatant and receives a Blessing, they will automatically enter the Foundation Stage which essentially acts as a magic base plate; they obtain a mana core, are allowed to pick the Normal Class they desire and they began working towards greater heights in magical might.


At this Stage, a combatant is able to convert the mana in their core into Aura, which is a denser form of power and allows them to increase their overall ability by up to 400% at the peak of the Stage, sometimes – for rare cases – a bit higher.


A combatant's body becomes able to forcibly strain their mana core even further to produce a greater form of Aura called Perfect Aura, which enhances their overall ability by 500% and beyond.

Perfect Aura is a super-condensed energy that is capable of dismantling mana-based attacks and defences especially if it is given form. Masters – combats at the Master Stage – eventually become able to shape this Perfect Aura into personalised shapes called Genuine Incarnations, all of which push the mana-negating and self-enhancing properties of Perfect Aura to the limit.

Genuine Incarnations come in two forms:

>Object types: These are normally shaped like non-living entities, and they offer a more defensive benefit. They have greater mana-cancelling properties than their counterpart.

>Living types: These are normally based on living creatures and bolster the effects of their user's offensive powers, including the potency of their skills.

At the peak of the Master Stage, a Master can merge with their Genuine Incarnation and therefore amplify their overall power by 1,000%.


This is normally considered to be prime state a combatant can reach, with some considering it the first step to Divinity.

At this stage, the Blessing that an individual received when they reached the Foundation Stage immediately becomes active.

On top of this, the soul of the combatant becomes immensely refined and they become aware of souls. This awareness comes with the ability to compel weaker souls into doing what they desire just by voicing commands.

The soul of the combatant also becomes capable of producing Creeds, which allow them to temper with reality. (Refer to next chapter for further explanation on Creeds.)

The body of an Incandescent Stager allows them to wring out their mana Cores – provided they have reached the Blue quality – to convert mana into Nitros, a form of Divine energy that allows them to create Majestic Territories; domains that give them incredible advantages against enemies. (Refer to next chapter for further explanation on Majestic Territories.)


This Stage simply acts as a refinement of Incandescent Stage, giving a combatant better control and finesse of the abilities they acquire from reaching the Incandescent Stage.

The most noteworthy upgrade, besides the higher overall combat prowess, is the ability to manifest the traits of a Majestic Territory without expelling it.

Transcendents can imprint the Imaginary GeoScape of their Territories over their bodies thus boosting their physical properties. With this in effect, they can even use their Territory's Primary functions, though with limited effectiveness.


Reserved for plot reasons.