Alternative Route


The golden goblet in Fulgardt's hand melted, the wine that had been stowed within it boiling to evaporation within seconds. It took no effort to see that the Immoral was incensed. Fulina, who had been the one to deliver the goblet into his hands shook. She feared the wine might not have been to his liking, but Rias reassured her that she had nothing to do with Fulgardt's rage. He should know.

"Calm down, will you? Just because someone closed one door doesn't mean another cannot be opened. We did talk of alternative routes," the EverSword heir said from the opposite end of the table.

Fulgardt gave him a malevolent glare.

"Easy for you to say," he said acidly. "I had it all planned. We could have completed one of the three conditions required for you to become a Divine simply by bringing Maqi under our heel. But that little skeleton dared….!"

Hot steam burst from Fulgardt's nostrils.