Say It Again, But Louder

"This is Uyuniya, A fellow sister in Voided Death, freshly made Divine by me."

Skullius gaped. The tall creature, Uyuniya, as she was apparently called, guffawed at his reaction once again and for the second time, Skullius couldn't have cared for it. He gave a disbelieving gaze to Elita. His phantoms helped him process the chaos in his mind, but even then, the frustration leaked on his face.

All of a sudden, some of the things (on top of what she had already reminded him of) Elita had said and done earlier started making sense.

"Do you consider me, a Voided Deathform, your enemy?" she had asked him after confronting him about his distrust in the Empyrean Hatcher.

"You're going to have to deal with them. I still haven't recovered all my Voided Death Essence," she had said when the Cavern had attacked them right after they reappeared in Aigas. This had been her excuse whenever else there was a battle along the way, except with Fulgardt.