A New Party

In desperate times, humans tended to slacken their sense of morality and their reason. However, it was also a common fact that they tended to inflate their suspension of disbelief in such times. Their minds opened up to many new possibilities that might have seemed absurd before.

Nothing encapsulated this idea better than the reception of the giant snowman waving its large wooden fingers forlornly at the twelve thousand men and women within the ruined city. Some waved back while some only watched as their children smiled and giggled at the guardian beast's emotional gesture.

The great snowman then harnessed a great portion of its mana and conjured mounds of cold snow and great, solid blocks of ice which circled the decrepit, broken city and covered it in a protective, domed shape. The humans inhabiting the city would now be safe and well-cared for with the supplies they had been given.