Mortal Sourcing Destiny Rune

The Doom Knight suddenly found itself planted on the ground, lying face-up. Indeed, it was Araeyn's doing.

Levin lit up in a bold, complex Rune around it, so brilliant it could be seen from beyond the sky, where the misshapen blue sun had been.

Seventy Divine Elder Sages of Penetration rode the burning clouds in the sky, surrounding the Doom Knight and began chanting something Skullius couldn't quite understand.

The Hybrid Warmoth knew about languages between Null Lifeforms, and had even been able to converse with rogue creatures of the Null Verse before, but this…

The Sages chanted in unison what might have been a song and between them, in the sky, a replica of the same Rune around the Doom Knight began to form.

When it appeared, Skullius felt the incredible amount of Null Life Essence packed into it. There must have been close to ten billion units!

And beyond just the fuel used to bring the complex Rune to life…