Either, Or

Again, again, again…

Skullius had only heard Kintar say it once before, but he was already growing sick of it.

How was everyone else beneath him? Just because he had transcended mortality? Did his bonds with mortals no longer matter now? Could he freely sacrifice them on a whim or for a greater good?

The idea to Skullius was sick.

Indeed, it was the idea that made him hate the masked man so much.

He hated Somanda for the same reason. The bastard found pleasure in the sorrows of his Moronic undead as they strove to find love and companionship in fellow undead skeletons.

Skullius hated Fulgardt for the same reason as well. When his (Fulgardt's) WILLS were in his other body, they taunted and mocked him by slaughtering commonfolk Skullius didn't have ties to, and people he cared about alike.

Even now, the fact that his alter had almost killed Theurien and Silrat in that battle from hours ago, still haunted Skullius.