Eksperimental Child

"It's quite far," Parker said when he saw the point where dr. Indigos are. "I have focused on this radar to see the movement of Dr. Indigo, it should be very helpful."

"Good, let's go now."

"How can you sleep when we're at stake," said Viola annoyed.

"Ah really? I didn't realize I was asleep. For a second I felt like I needed to pee."

Calvin walked briskly towards the corner of the room, ignoring Viola with whom he was peeing casually.

"Stupid! Why don't you go to the toilet," Viola snapped at Calvin's behavior.

"Where did I get, I'll pee in my pants later."

Parker walked towards the exit, heedless of the argument between Viola and Calvin. He noticed the hallway that looked so chaotic due to the battle that had taken place.