Chapter 8

As promise when Senju woke up I give her the letter Shinichi want me to give her

And at that very moment I went to have my mission again, since I was the only one they can count on until Yuusuke finally recovered fully

And as what we have talk about, when I'm going away again I'll bring Manjiro with me

And today our journey begins from capturing the gang murderer the serial killer behind it on Hokkaido

We got our tickets and ride the train that will take us to Hokkaido

Hokkaido has a cold weather so we brought sweaters and jackets with us, of course that's needed

Manjiro's asleep on my shoulder and I was a bit scared when he started counting coffins instead of sheep's

"500 coffin, 501 coffin, 502 coffin" he murmured on his sleep

"2,167 coffin— 4,549 coffin"

He reach that many, how long will he count

"5,000 coffin"

He had opened his eyes and told me he was hungry, I give him food and after eating he fell asleep again but this time he wasn't counting any coffins and I was glad

We are officially at Hokkaido, the weather is freezing— and we are looking for a place to stay

We pass for 7 apartments and hotels already and it was fully occupied, I didn't know this would be tough finding place to stay in Hokkaido, well this is my first time

Since we can't find place to stay and the sun's already setting I asked Manjiro to split up so we could find much faster and he agreed with my decision

He went to the right and I went to left road, and it's freezing cold so staying outside for too long will literally make you freeze like an ice just touches your body

I got my phone with me so if I found a place to stay I call Manjiro that's the same for him

I started looking because we can't waste time— I entered 4 hotels and 6 apartments but it's not a bit of help

I keep searching until I found one

'Manjiro Calling'

My phone vibrated it turns out Manjiro already found as a hotel

I went to the address he told me, I even asked some people because I don't know where to go and it's my first time to Hokkaido so it's 50% that I can get lost, I'm not familiar

The road is pretty tricky and got a lot of snow everywhere, they also have a lot of lighting's and decorations

Manjiro found a 1 vacant room, it's big so no worries we can fit in

I organized my stuff into one place, we don't know how long we are going to stay so I brought a lot of clothes with me

I took a shower and after me was Manjiro, we are going out to eat for dinner, we don't have any food with us

We went to a seafood restaurant,anjiro wanted to, we eat there and we are satisfied. We walk down the alley as we explore the place, it's truly wonderful in Hokkaido I might get back here even if they have this cold weather

"The operation will conduct tomorrow" Manjiro speak as he was playing with snow

We stop by near the hotel and played with the snow for a bit, they have wooden benches, vending machines, street lights, Christmas trees, bushes, and a lot more

"Hey isn't this snow shape like an alpha?" Manjiro asked me and was pointing out the snow shaped alpha

"It seems to me that they are a bit a like, but this would be an actual alpha!!" I said to him and pointed out the real alpha next to the old man

"Then what is this? I forgot the name but I knew it" he muttered and pointed another snow shape

It looks tricky, "I think it's an orange or a tomato!"

"You said that because it has a little shading of orange when you look on both sides are red" he said

"Then waht could it be?"

"Mango-Apple!" He said with excitement, he remembers the word on the tip of his tongue

"Logically, that's a snow!" I teased

"I'll just make a little snowman!" He muffled

I was sitting on the bench looking at the other people enjoying the night, we left when Manjiro was done making his little snowman behind the mango shape whatever it is, we took pictures and send it to Sasuke and Yuusuke

Our heads bump into each other as the I press the button on my phone and had taken our picture

"Go get some sleep we'll be busy tomorrow"